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Perseverance Led Nomad Transport Inc. to Hard-Earned Success

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Ivana Salipur, President

Nomad Transport Inc Aurora, Colorado

Passionate Perseverance Led Nomad Transport Inc. to Success with Apex After Huge Financial Losses with Former Factoring Company

Ivana Salipur and her husband Njegoslav Mladen, who goes by Slavo, moved to Aurora, Colorado in 2018. Previously based in Chicago, Ivana and Slavo saw something inviting in Aurora, with its sprawling reservoir, nature conservation trails, and quaint cafes. The couple already had experience in the trucking industry since 2014 – Ivana as a dispatcher and Slavo as a driver.

The decision to move to Aurora wasn’t just for a change of scenery. Ivana and Slavo had grown tired of working for other trucking companies and felt it was time to start their own trucking business. In 2019, they founded Nomad Transport Inc. Today, Nomad is a successful business with six trucks hauling dry van freight and serving as a dedicated carrier for Miller Brewing Company.

Ivana and Slavo have been Apex factoring clients since November 2022. They have a great relationship with their dedicated account executive, Anna Cotton, and nothing but praise for Apex’s dedicated customer service. But before coming to Apex, Ivana and Slavo faced huge financial losses and endured a lengthy dispute with the factoring company they signed with before Apex. Their story is about passionate perseverance and the wisdom that comes from surviving and ultimately thriving.

Nomad Trucking

Nomad’s Rocky Start: From a Broker’s Stolen Identity to a Factoring Company’s Expensive Mismanagement

Ivana and Slavo chose to handle collections internally for their first six months in business. When one of the brokers they worked with had their identity stolen, they realized they needed additional help. “We lost a lot of money,” Ivana recalls. “After that, we decided that the best thing would be to go with a factoring company. We wanted to protect ourselves because most factoring companies know when somebody is double brokering and can be victims of fraud.”

They signed with a factoring company in the Midwest. Ivana, always plainspoken, doesn’t mince words: “That was probably the biggest mistake we ever made,” she says. “The account executive never answered the phone, was barely in the office, never knew what we were talking about, was rude, didn’t even know basic math. She was not in the country, which we understand outsourcing, but at least know what you are doing.”

That was just the beginning. “The second problem is they were always taking extra, a little here and there,” says Ivana. “Once we realized that, we had a team of lawyers come after them. After we showed proof, they denied paying us. The resolution was that we wanted to get rid of the contract early. We decided to pay whatever fee to break the contract and get out.”

Apex to the Rescue: How 5- Star Reviews and Customer Service Earned Trust

After that and the loss of money, trust, and time Ivana started to look for a new factoring company. Ivana read Apex reviews and was impressed. That first phone call convinced Ivana that Apex was the right factoring company for Nomad. But after what she and Slavo had been through with their previous factoring company, she needed more than one conversation to make a final decision. “We spoke a few times for a week or two, once or twice a week,” she says. “He was very good at explaining everything, answering every single question. At this point, I didn’t trust anybody, and I wanted as much information as possible.”

Nomad’s Day-to-Day Operations are Now Running Smoothly

When asked about how working with Apex has impacted Nomad’s operations, efficiency, and bottom line, Ivana talks about transparency, fast payments, and immediate troubleshooting. “We get paid on time,” she says. “We always get updates. We know exactly where we stand. If there is an issue, it is always taken care of.”

Because Nomad is a dedicated carrier, Ivana appreciates Apex’s credit checks process, which is more flexible and allows Ivana and Nomad to work with their customers without hindering their business operations. “There are a lot more brokers on Apex’s roster that we can work with,” Ivana says. “With our former factoring company, it was always no buy, no buy, no buy.”

Working with Account Executive Anna Cotton: An Instant Connection

“After speaking to Anna for the first time, how can somebody not like Anna? She is very kind and she’s always available. Every time there is an issue, she takes care of it. She is always on top of things. Anna is super sweet, and she gets things done all the time. She is never rude. I was used to speaking to a rude person for years. I was afraid to call my account manager at the former factoring company. I have no issues with Anna, she is wonderful.”

Ivana Salipur and Anna Cotton

Advice for Anyone Unsatisfied with Current Factoring Company

Ivana has hard-earned experience choosing a factoring company that didn’t meet her expectations. When we asked her what advice she would have for someone in the same situation, this was her response: “Always read the fine print,” she says. “Take your time finding the right factoring company. Don’t just jump into something ASAP.”

Ready to Switch Factoring Companies?

Switching factoring companies can be a lengthy and detailed process, but it doesn’t have to be painful. When it comes to switching factoring companies, Ivana has a quick solution: “Switch to Apex, immediately. End of story.”