In three days, decisions will be made that will affect your business. A final decision on the federal transportation bill is due by June 30, 2012
Reforms for the brokering and freight-forwarding industry including an increase in the required bond amount to $100,000. Thousands of honest, credit worthy freight brokers will be unable to obtain a $100,000 surety bond because of the cost or collateral requirements. At a time when our economy is still struggling to recover, putting small businesses and thousands of jobs at risk is simply the wrong solution to whatever problem some in Congress are seeking to address.
Truckers will be affected by this bill. It addresses more than highway and bridge funding including a provision for safe truck parking, information on cab crash-worthiness and driver training and effects of regulations on small businesses. The bill may also include a government mandate for electronic on-board recorders as well as new regulations regarding tolling and public-private partnerships. The brokering and freight-forwarding industry reforms include the aforementioned increase in the required bond amount to $100,000.
What You Can Do
If you are opposed to transportation broker bond increase to $100,000 please call your representative now and tell them you are opposed to Section 32919 of S. 1813.
Click here to contact your representative today.